Versatile Hunting 
Dog Federation
We welcome new affiliate clubs. Please contact one of the VHDF officers if your club is interested in joining the VHDF affiliate network.

VHDF Canada (similar to VHDF in the US)

Greater Seattle Bird Dog Association: Barry Wild, 360-701-7001 Email

Michigan Hunting Dog FederationCindy Petkwitz Email  313-881-8603

Minnesota Hunting Dog FederationMN VHDF Website

North East VHDF:

Snake River Versatile Gun Dog Club: Jeff Funke, 208-989-0721 Email

Wyoming Hunting Dog Federation: Scott Baysinger, 307-686-0850 Email  

Ohio VHDF: Scot Leach, 513-722-5483,

© Versatile Hunting Dog Federation
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